Twycross Zoo to host speaker event highlighting conservation work in Borneo
28th Jun 2023
Dr Susan Cheyne will present a conservation talk at Twycross Zoo.
This December, Twycross Zoo will welcome Dr Susan Cheyne, Co-Director of Borneo Nature Foundation International, who will present a session on ‘Communities and communication for conservation in Indonesian Borneo’.
The event will take place on Thursday 8 December 2022 from 6pm to 7.30pm in Windows on the Wild at Twycross Zoo, and will be the zoo’s first in-person public conservation talk since before the Covid pandemic.
Borneo Nature Foundation International is one of Twycross Zoo’s In-situ Conservation Partners, which works to protect many important areas of tropical rainforest and safeguard the wildlife, environment and indigenous culture in Borneo.
Twycross Zoo’s In-situ Conservation Fund supports and promotes the work of conservation projects around the world, with the main aim of helping to preserve wild populations of some of the planet’s most endangered species.
Lisa Gillespie, Research and Conservation Manager at Twycross Zoo, said:
“We are delighted to welcome Dr Susan Cheyne to our first in-person conservation talk at the Zoo in over two years, for what promises to be a fascinating discussion of conservation efforts in Borneo.
“As a conservation charity, we are committed to supporting conservation, education and research to help protect the world’s most endangered species. This is a fantastic opportunity to hear from one of our conservation partners first-hand and continue to raise awareness and understanding of the critical threats facing our planet.”
Dr Cheyne is also Vice Chair of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Section on Small Apes and a Teaching Fellow of Biological Anthropology at Oxford Brookes University.
Tickets must be booked in advance to attend the talk and tickets include a complimentary hot chocolate and mince pie on arrival.

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