Apply to research
How to apply
Before you consider a zoo research project you must read the ethical guidelines and (if appropriate) the sampling guidelines on the BIAZA web site – see link here. We will expect all multi-zoo studies, including questionnaire-based studies, to have successfully applied to the BIAZA Research committee for a letter of support. Where appropriate, breeding programme coordinators will also be approached for multi zoo studies. You will also need a college or university supervisor that supports your research.
All enquiries regarding research should be directed to the Research Office You should contact us to discuss your project at an early stage. We expect you to have a good idea of what you would like to do but be prepared to be flexible. Once you have read the above materials you must submit an application form which you will find here, along with the relevant research ethics approval form if applicable, this will then be considered by the zoo’s Research Committee.
It can take up to 8 weeks to get approval and not all projects are approved, therefore please plan ahead and leave plenty of time prior to your planned project start date. We cannot always support projects as they stand but can often suggest slight changes so that we can accommodate them.
Projects with fewer than 10 days of data collection for these topics will not be approved. This is to ensure projects will obtain the best quality of data that can benefit us and yourselves.
Priority will be given to research projects requested by Twycross Zoo, please email for an up to date list of available projects.
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