Twycross Zoo will be closed to the public on the 22nd January, re-opening as normal the following day. Apologies for any inconvenience.

Twycross Zoo Aldabra Tortoise

Aldabra Tortoise

The Aldabra tortoise is one of the largest tortoises in the world. They have a thick, domed shell with robust limbs covered in scales.

Aldabra Tortoise close up - July 2010

Aldabra tortoises age very slowly. In 2005, an Aldabra tortoise was found dead in India. Its shell was carbon-dated showing it had reached the age of 255 years old. These can be social animals, often gathering in herds in the grasslands. They are good swimmers being naturally buoyant and able to hold their breath for 20-30 minutes.

Giant tortoises become sexually mature in their thirties. Mating is noisy with the males bellowing loudly. After mating, the female will lay 9-25 eggs into soft sand but only around half of these eggs will be fertile. The hatchlings emerge 3.5-7 months later, depending on conditions.

Aldabra tortoise outside - July 2019

Their diet consists of plants and grasses but they will also supplement their diet with carrion (dead animals).

The Aldabra tortoise is the only African giant tortoise to have survived in the wild. Their population was severely threatened between the 17th and 19th centuries due to hunting for meat. Now they are struggling against habitat destruction and introduced species. These introduced species include predators such as rats and cats that eat their eggs, and competition for grazing with goats. They are now protected and have conservation breeding programs on the island of Mauritius.

Key Facts:


Conservation Status: Vulnerable

Distribution: Aldabra Atoll

Habitat: Grassland, Scrublands, Swamp

Diet: Flowers, Grasses, Herbs, Leaves

Weight: 150 – 250kg

No. of young: 9 – 25

Life Span: 150+ years

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