Publications & Conferences
1.Mulders L, Locquet L, Kaandorp C, and Janssens G (2024)
An overview of nutritional factors in the aetiopathogenesis of myocardial fibrosis in great apes
Nutrition research reviews
2. Bucknell P, Dobbs P, Martin M, Ashfield S, White K (2023)
Cardiorespiratory effects of isoflurane and medetomidine-tiletamine-zolazepam in 12 bonobos (Pan paniscus)
Veterinary record
3. Moittié S, Jarvis R, Dobbs P, Grant M, White K, Liptovszky M and Baiker K (2022)
Vitamin D status in chimpanzees in human care: a Europe wide study.
Scientific reports, 12
4. Raindi D, Dobbs P, Moittié S, White K, Martin M, Redrobe S, Liptovszky M, Baiker K and Grant M (2022)
Periodontal health, neutrophil activity and cardiovascular health in captive chimpanzees.
Archives of oral biology, 134
5. Moittié S, Dobbs P, Redrobe S, Liptovszky M and White K (2021)
Evaluation of the agreement of two oscillometric blood pressure devices with invasive blood pressure in anaesthetised chimpanzees (Pan Troglodytes).
Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia, 48
6. Baiker K, Moittié S, Liptovszky M, White K and Grant M. (2020)
Targeted proteomics for insight into cardiovascular disease in great apes.
Journal of comparative pathology, 174
7. Strong, V., Moittié, S., Sheppard, M.N., Liptovszky M, White K, Redrobe S, Cobb, M., Baiker, K. (2020)
Idiopathic Myocardial Fibrosis in Captive Chimpanzees (Pan Troglodytes)
Veterinary Pathology, 57(1), pp. 183-191
8. Moittié, S., Baiker, K., Strong, V., Cousins E, White K, Liptovszky M, Redrobe S, Alibhai A, Sturrock, C.J., Rutland, C.S (2020)
Discovery of os cordis in the cardiac skeleton of chimpanzees (Pan Troglodytes).
Scientific Reports, 10.
9. Moittié, S., N Sheppard, M., Thiele, T., Baiker, K. (2020)
Non-Infectious, Necrotizing and Granulomatous Aortitis in a Female Gorilla.
Journal of Comparative Pathology, 181, pp. 7-12
10. Moittié, S., Graham, P.A., Barlow, N., Dobbs P, Liptovszky M, Redrobe, S., White, K. (2020)
Comparison of 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration in chimpanzee dried blood spots and serum
Veterinary Clinical Pathology, 49(2), pp. 299-306
11. Baiker, K., Strong, V., Moittié, S., Redrobe, S., Macdonald, C., Liptovszky, M., Cobb, M. and White, K. (2018)
New Insights into the Pathogenesis of Idiopathic Cardiac Fibrosis in European Captive Chimps.
Journal of Comparative Pathology, 158, p.112.
12. Strong, V. J., Martin, M., Redrobe, S., White, K. & Baiker, K. (2018)
A retrospective review of great ape cardiovascular disease epidemiology and pathology.
International Zoo Yearbook, 52.
13. Strong, V., Möller, T., Tillman, A.S., Träff, S., Guevara, L., Martin, M., Redrobe, S. and White, K., (2018)
A clinical study to evaluate the cardiopulmonary characteristics of two different anaesthetic protocols (tiletamine/zolazepam+/-medetomidine) and to evaluate their suitability for the immobilisation of healthy chimpanzees.
Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia, 45.
14. Strong, V. J., Sheppard, M. N., Redrobe, S. & Baiker, K. (2018)
Guidelines for consistent cardiovascular post-mortem examination, sampling and reporting of lesions in European zoo-housed great apes.
International Zoo Yearbook, 52.
15. Strong V, Baiker K, Brennan ML, Redrobe S, Rietkerk F, Cobb M, White K. (2017)
A retrospective review of western lowland gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) mortality in European zoologic collections between 2004 and 2014.
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 2017; 48(2):277-86
16. Atencia R, Stöhr EJ, Drane AL, Stembridge M, Howatson G, Del Rio PRL, Feltrer Y, Tafon B, Redrobe S, Peck B, Eng J, Unwin S, Sanchez CR, Shave, RE. (2017)
Heart rate and indirect blood pressure responses to four different field anaesthetic protocols in wild-born captive chimpanzees (Pan Troglodytes).
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 48(3): 636-644.
17. Strong VJ, Grindlay D, Redrobe S, Cobb M, White K. (2016)
A systematic review of the literature relating to captive great ape morbidity and mortality.
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 2016, 47 (3).
18. Shave, R., Oxborough, D., Somauroo, J., Feltrer, Y., Strike, T., Routh, A., Chapman, S., Redrobe, S., Thompson, L., Unwin, S., Sayers, G. Murphy, H., Rapoport, G. Stohr, E. (2014)
Echocardiographic assessment of cardiac structure and function in great apes: a practical guide.
International Zoo Yearbook, 48(1), 218-233.
1. Martin, M. (2018)
Echocardiography and ECG protocols for the Ape Heart project.
Presented at the Veterinary Cardiovascular Society Autumn Meeting 2018
2. Strong, V. J. (2018)
Getting to the heart of the matter: an investigation into great ape cardiovascular disease.
Presented at Veterinary Cardiovascular Society Autumn Meeting 2018.
3. Strong, V. J. (2018)
So what becomes of the broken (ape) heart?
Presented at Veterinary Cardiovascular Society Autumn Meeting 2018.
4. Turner, M.B., Liptovszky, M., White, K.L (2018)
A retrospective evaluation of anaesthetic morbidity and mortality in a captive Gibbon collection.
Abstract presented at the spring meeting of the Association of Veterinary Anaesthetists, Grenada, West Indies 2018.
5. Moittie, S., (2018)
A bone of contention: os cordis or pathological feature in the chimpanzee heart.
British Veterinary Zoological Society Conference.
6. Liptovsky, M., (2018)
Hand injection ca improve anaesthesia in non-human primates.
British Veterinary Zoological Society Conference.
7. Moittié, S., Baiker, K., Strong, V., White, K., Liptovszky, M., Redrobe, S., Alibhai, A., Sturrock, C., Rutland, C. (2018)
A bone of contention: os cordis or pathological feature in the chimpanzee heart.
European Association of Zoo and Wildlife Veterinarians (EAZW) conference, Prague.

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