Our ambition is to empower future zoologists and conservationists in the Midlands. We have created a range of A-level and FE talks, workshops and experiences that can help students focus their interests and expand their horizons. Our KS5 sessions are based on the A-level biology curriculum, with some overlap for psychology students. We also have a range of specialist Level 3 workshops and guides.

Amur Leopard 1

KS5 Controversial Conservation: The Big Debate

Conservation is complex and often doesn’t
have clear cut solutions. This means some
topics are hotly-debated. In this session
learners will have the opportunity to discuss
different controversial conservation topics.
They will need to consider both their own
opinions on ethically-challenging topics, and
also how opinions of different stakeholders
may vary, and why. Using their debate skills,
learners will justify their conclusions and
propose alternative solutions to the
controversial concerns.

Available as a classroom based workshop.

Gorrila 1

KS5 Animal Behaviour (Scientific Investigations)

Learners will consolidate their knowledge of
how behavioural responses develop through
conditioning and social learning, and how we
can study animal behaviour to gain a deeper
understanding of a species.
Learners will then use this knowledge to
conduct their own ethogram investigation of
two species at the zoo. Following this,
learners will collate their findings, and
hypothesise how the data could be used
improve captive animal welfare and be applied
to conservation efforts.

Available as a classroom based workshop.

Meerkat Enc 1

KS5 Our world and Us

Learners will discover how humans are
interweaved into ecosystems, and how
biodiversity underpins our lives. They will
examine cases of animals that are key to
ecosystem functioning, and some unusual
dependencies between species. Students will
also dissect the global consequences when we
do not act in a sustainable manner, as well as
how humans can make positive change by
restoring and protecting ecosystems.

Available as a classroom based workshop.

Primate 1

KS5 The Conservation Arc

This session explores the importance of zoos in
the ongoing initiative to protect endangered
species around the world. There are many
considerations that are required when
managing captive populations around Europe
and beyond. In this workshop learners will
explore some of these factors. They will
discover some of the ways that zoos work to
maximise the health and welfare of their

Available as a classroom based workshop or as an expedition.

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Level 3: Animal Care and Management

We want to inspire future zoologists and conservations in the Midlands to make a difference in the animal industry. That's why we have created a series of specialist talks and expeditions for FE animal management students.

Build your visit to suit your needs with the add-ons below:

FREE self-led guide for every booking

To maximise the effectiveness of your visit we used the criteria in BTEC and City & Guilds specifications to produce an indispensable guide to Twycross Zoo. We highlight relevant feeding times, enclosure designs and general background information to ensure your students get what they need!

Guided Tour

An Education Officer can join your group for a 45 minute tour and explain some key features of our facilities, enclosure design and animal welfare practices.

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Level 3: Animal Care and Management Classroom Session

We have designed four classroom sessions to help your learners understand key concepts of running a zoo, delivered by a knowledgeable Education Officer.


Enclosure Design and Zoo Licensing

This session focusses on enclosures past, present and future and how legislation is adhered to across our site.

Veterinary and Record Keeping

This session covers the role of our vet team, how they assist beyond medical procedures and the importance of keeping records,

Welfare and Diets

In this session we cover how we meet the welfare of our animals, how welfare is assessed and how animal diets are created and delivered.

Commercial and Marketing

This session looks into the commercial aspects of running the zoo including marketing and balancing conservation with recreation.

Book your Post 16 trip today!

Explore our award-winning zoo with more than 80 species and 400 animals, including the four great apes and other endangered animals! Help your pupils take part in many fun educational activities so they can learn about the importance of wildlife by booking your trip by  emailing bookings@twycrosszoo.org.

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