Here at Twycross Zoo, we provide interactive and exciting sessions for Key Stage One and Key Stage Two students that will fit in with all areas of the curriculum. Our workshops are not only great at confidence building but are also very educational as they help children learn about nature and wildlife, the issues currently threatening it, and how we can co-exist and help animals thrive in their natural habitat.

Primary School Visits Workshops

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What we do...

Our specifically designed primary school sessions are split between KS1 and KS2 workshops and expeditions. We have linked our learning activities to the curriculum to ensure that learners gain real world examples, aiming to inspire children about the natural world around them. Suitable for ages four to eleven, our primary school workshops take place in our study centre classroom or as an expedition around the zoo grounds.

Primary 3

KS1 Habitat Chat

Using their knowledge of habitats from around
the world, learners will match the animals at
the zoo to their correct habitats, and
investigate how different adaptations help
animals live where they live. Learners will then
discover what happens when animals lose their
habitats, and how we can all help by
protecting, restoring and creating new homes
for wildlife.

Available as a classroom based workshop or as an expedition.

Junior Enc 1

KS1 African Adventure

Learners will go on a journey through the
African landscape - from the savannah to the
rainforest. Along the way, they will be
introduced to African species that live here at
Twycross Zoo. We will investigate their
similarities and differences based on where
they live, while determining whether they are
under threat, and the different threats that they
may face.

Available as a classroom based workshop.

Primary 2

KS1 Wildlife Heroes

Learners will consider the roles that different
species play in their habitats. Using this
knowledge, we will explore how habitats may
change if animals become endangered, or
even extinct. Using animals around the zoo,
we will discover some real-world examples and
decide how we can be heroes and help our
animals to continue to play their role.

Available as a classroom based workshop.

Meerkat Enc 1

KS1 Grub's Up

Looking at features of skulls and teeth, learners
will discover specialised animal diets and learn
how to distinguish herbivores, carnivores and
omnivores. They will also consider the sensory
and physical adaptations that allow animals to
successfully find their food.
Finally, learners get to play their part in a food
web and discover the consequences of
extinctions on ecosystems.

Available as a classroom based workshop or as an expedition.

Aldabra 1

KS1 Sorting Species

Learners will investigate different classifications
of animals, the physical characteristics and the
lifecycles that these groups have. They will also
explore the techniques we can use to identify
mammals, reptiles, birds, fish and amphibians,
and see how we care for them differently.

Available as a classroom based workshop.

Snow Lep 1

KS2 Caring for our Creatures

Learners will investigate the way that Twycross
Zoo care for our animals based on their
specific needs. They will explore how we
design enclosures and care guides, based on
the species of animal, considering their diet,
habitat and life-cycle.
They will then consider the ways that this
knowledge can be applied to conservation,
both in the zoo and around the world.

Available as a classroom based workshop or as an expedition.

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KS2 Adapt Survive Thrive

Learners will explore the ways that animals
have changed to adapt to their environment
over their evolutionary history. They will use
critical-thinking skills to assess the closest and
furthest living relatives of humans and will also
discover animals around the zoo that have
hardly changed in millions of years.
Finally, learners will consider the impact that
humans are having on ecosystems, making it
increasingly more challenging for animals to
adapt to an ever-changing world.

Available as a classroom based workshop.

Primary 4

KS2 Life in the Rainforest

Learners will immerse themselves in a tropical
rainforest habitat, exploring each of the four
layers and the animals that are found there.
Using this knowledge, learners will discuss the
threats that rainforests around the world face
and how the destruction of this habitat impacts
both animals and humans alike. They will
investigate rainforest animals around the zoo
and consider what can be done to protect

Available as a classroom based workshop or as an expedition.

Eastern Black Rhino Female

KS2 Grub's Up

Looking at features of skulls and teeth,
learners will discover specialised animal
diets, and learn how to distinguish
herbivores, carnivores and omnivores. They
will also consider the adaptations that allow
animals to successfully find their food.
Finally, learners get to play their part in a
food web and discover the consequences of
extinctions on ecosystems, including the
importance of detritovores.

Available as a classroom based workshop.

Primate 1

KS2 Consider Conservation

Learners will have the opportunity to take on
the job of a conservationist, applying
problem-solving skills and deciding how to
tackle the threats faced by some of our most
endangered species at the zoo.
Learners will also discover an array of
techniques that conservationists use to
figure out whether an animal is at risk of

Available as a classroom based workshop.

Primary 6

SEND Students

We are aware that every child is different and as such we would love to talk to you about your special educational needs. Twycross Zoo provides a unique learning experience for your pupils. The sessions we provide can be specifically tailored to yourselves to be suitable for all levels of special needs.

Book Your Primary School Trip Now

Explore our award-winning zoo with more than 80 species and 400 animals, including the four great apes and other endangered animals! Help your pupils take part in many fun educational activities so they can learn about the importance of wildlife by booking your trip by  emailing

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